A Day In My Life, virtual assistant

A Day in the Life of a Virtual Assistant Who’s Also a Mother

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work both as a virtual assistant (VA) and a Mom? As a virtual assistant, each day brings a unique blend of professional responsibilities and the joys and challenges of being a mother. In this blog post, I’ll take you through a typical day in my life, juggling the demands of my virtual assistant work with the fulfilling role of being a mom.

Morning Routine:

The day starts early as I wake up and prepare a healthy breakfast for my family. Ensuring everyone is fueled and ready for the day is my top priority.

While sipping my morning coffee, I review my to-do list and prioritize tasks for both my virtual assistant work and household chores. I also catch up on emails to address any urgent client requests. I used to checking emails after kids arrived safely at school.

My workday officially begins. I sit down at my home office, a cozy corner that allows me to concentrate on tasks while staying close to my kids. If there’s schoolwork or virtual classes to oversee, I assist my children with their studies.

During this period, I tackle tasks that require my full attention. Whether it’s managing emails, scheduling client meetings, or conducting research, I dedicate focused hours to work while my kids engage in their morning activities.

Mid-Day Break:

It’s time for a lunch break. I prepare a healthy meal for my family and take a moment to relax and recharge with my kids. We enjoy quality time together, and it’s a chance for me to check in with them and address any concerns or needs.

Afternoon Task:

In the afternoon, I return to my virtual assistant work. I handle tasks like data entry, document organization, and social media management. My kids may have online extracurricular activities or outdoor play during this time, allowing me to focus on work.

When my kids need assistance or have questions about their assignments, I’m readily available to support them. This flexible schedule allows me to balance their educational needs with my client responsibilities.

Evening Family Time

As the workday winds down, I wrap up any pending tasks and prepare for the next day. It’s essential to maintain a work-life balance, so I limit evening work unless it’s absolutely necessary.

We gather for dinner as a family. Evenings are reserved for quality time, whether it’s family games, movie nights, or reading stories.

Bedtime Routine:

After a long day, it’s time for my kids’ bedtime routine. We wind down with bedtime stories and a few quiet moments together, discussing their day and addressing any concerns they may have.

My Midnight Routine:

I start my next day at midnight. After a restful night’s sleep, typically from around 9 pm, I wake up at 1-2 am and begin my workday. I primarily focus on reviewing the quality of the work I completed the previous day, ensuring everything is in order, and I continue working if there are impending deadlines. I dedicate approximately one hour to engage in Praise & Worship, nurturing my spiritual well-being. Following that, I spend another hour on online training, which can involve learning new software, staying updated on industry trends, or networking with fellow virtual assistants.

Challenges and Rewards:

Being a virtual assistant and a mom is a fulfilling yet demanding role. It requires careful planning, flexibility, and a strong sense of organization. Despite the challenges, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Balancing my professional and family life allows me to pursue a rewarding career while being present for the most important people in my life—my children.